Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Camera Tripod from Amazon.

The other thing that a Camera Tripod can do is allow you to use the self-timer mechanism on the camera so that you can dun up and get in the shot as well. Let’s face it, it is hard to hold a camera and be in the shot too.
The tripod makes it possible for dads everywhere to finally be in some of those family photos instead of always behind the camera and out of the picture.

A Camera Tripod comes in several varieties. There are light and heavy duty and then there are some with levels to make sure that the photo is square and level to the ground. Some of the tripods have what is known as a quick release. Normally when you mount a camera to a tripod you have to screw the camera onto the tripod-mounting shoe.

However if your Camera Tripod has a quick release feature, you take the show off the tripod and screw that show onto the camera and then the camera can just snap on and off the tripod in seconds as opposed to taking a but more time to hand screw on and it also saves the wear and tear on the camera mounting screw.
The Camera Tripod will some times have a handle on it to allow you to carry it more easily and they are made out of lightweight aluminum alloys to allow them to be very light weight.

The selections Camera.

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